What is the personality of a pug like?
Pugs are very human-like in their expressions and mannerisms. Do not be misled, pugs are not pushovers, they are very intelligent and have extreme determination in every thing that they do.

Pugs can be the proverbial “couch potato,” therefore do not expect your pug to become a jogging partner (never walk a Pug father then you are willing to carry it). A pug would rather save its energy for the occasional outburst that us pug owners refer to as the “Pugtona,” that time of day when your puggie will tucks its hind legs under and run so fast that its little curled tail is made straight by the sheer speed of the run. A happy pug is one that does this as least a few times a week, especially if it has other dogs to run with.
A pug can be very amusing. There is nothing funnier then when a pug looks at you and does the “who, me?” head tilt. The liquid brown eyes in that forever perplexed looking face at times can be too much to bear, especially when you are busy trying to scold a naughty puggie.
Are pugs good with children?
Absolutely! Pugs are one of the most loving and gentle breeds out there, with high tolerance for inquisitive young children. They have passive temperaments and want to be with their family more than anything. This makes them the perfect companion for children, senior citizens and those with disabilities.
Do pugs require a yard?
Because of their lazy, couch potato-like personalities, pugs don’t require a big yard. They can easily find favorite places to nap around any apartment or home. Just be sure to invite your pug to rough-house and run several times a week to burn off all the extra energy saved up from all those naps!
What is the average lifespan of a pug?
Pugs live 12-15 years on average, though we have heard of a few pugs who have made it to 20!
Are there differences in personalities between males and females? Or between fawn and black pugs?
Each dog is an individual first and has natural instinctive differences. Females can be more aloof — just as in humans, they are more of the mind to take care of business or babies. Males on the other hand, can be more clownish — pug boys just want to have fun.
The difference between a fawn pug and black pugs is that the black pugs tend to be more mischievous.
Regardless of whether you choose a boy or a girl, or fawn or black, pugs can be outgoing, or more shy. We typically start to see the individual personality of each pup starting to emerge at around 6 weeks of age.
Are pugs easy to train?
With their precocious personalities and clown-like demeanor, pugs are middle-of-the-road when it comes to training. Many tend to have a stubborn streak, but their love of people and food makes them eager to please.
Is a female easier to housetrain than a male?

Many people confuse marking of territory with normal house training, and many people do not know that some female dogs also mark. So, when training your dog don’t stop when they finally go outside. Make sure they go where you want them to go. Don’t let them mark where you don’t want them too. It is possible to teach your dog not to mark on car tires, flower pots, porch posts, and any other thing you don’t want them going pee on.
Do pugs shed?
Even though the pug has a short coat, do not be fooled, they shed, and they shed a lot! Pug fur is tenacious, and sticks to everything. If you are a person that does not like to vacuum daily, then a pug is probably not a dog for you.
Do pugs snore?
Yes, pugs snore and pugs snort with enthusiasm! Because of the short muzzle of a pug, it’s common to have a snoring pug, which many people find to be quite endearing! As long as your pug’s breathing is regular, there is nothing to worry about.
Can pugs swim?
Some pugs do swim and really enjoy the water, however, most pugs sink like a rock when put into water that is over their heads. It is always a good idea to have your little rock in a life vest when around rivers, lakes, streams, pools and ponds.